Aljazeera English
(too old to reply)
2009-07-10 20:07:37 UTC
Does anyone know if Aljazeera English TV is included for subscription
by any satellite signal provider in North America yet?

I know it is available free-to-air on C and Ku bands - I am tuned in.

The jew lobbies have so far had great success in denying the masses
easy access to this top notch global news provider.
2009-07-10 20:58:34 UTC
I saw it last night or the night before on my FTA
I dont recall if it was on BellVu sat 91W or if it was on Dish Network
--110 or 119

I dont have a subscription for either so I dont know but, since it
showed up on one of their sats, I would assume they sell it as an extra
or as part of one of their program packages
Post by Kixi
Does anyone know if Aljazeera English TV is included for subscription
by any satellite signal provider in North America yet?
I know it is available free-to-air on C and Ku bands - I am tuned in.
The jew lobbies have so far had great success in denying the masses
easy access to this top notch global news provider.
SAC 441
2009-07-11 01:52:59 UTC
"Top notch" is a relative viewpoint as far as Al-Jazeera is concerned.To
me and some others,it is merely a slanted,biased Arabic propaganda
channel devoted to attacking and smearing Western
ideals and civilization.My hopeful expectation is that one day the
Israeli military would launch an anti-satellite missile and blow to bits
the satellite from which it is transmitted from.To each his/her own.I
know that is unrealistic,but not everyone is
enamored with this pile of "garbage" being spewed
from Pan-Arabia that attempts to promote Osama
bin Laden's every word as though he was the demagogic arrival of a super
oracle.To hell with them and their idiotic ramblings.
2009-07-11 03:08:16 UTC
Post by SAC 441
"Top notch" is a relative viewpoint as far as Al-Jazeera is concerned.To
me and some others,it is merely a slanted,biased Arabic propaganda
channel devoted to attacking and smearing Western
ideals and civilization.My hopeful expectation is that one day the
Israeli military would launch an anti-satellite missile and blow to bits
the satellite from which it is transmitted from.To each his/her own.I
know that is unrealistic,but not everyone is
enamored with this pile of "garbage" being spewed
from Pan-Arabia that attempts to promote Osama
bin Laden's every word as though he was the demagogic arrival of a super
oracle.To hell with them and their idiotic ramblings.
You dont think they got old Bin with that first drone and just
mithodicly kept him alive so the war could continue?

They dont have to launch an anti satellite missile they now have
microwave technology that will disable any sat.

However if the sats started disapearing how could we watch TV. This
is a good reard on oricles.

2009-07-11 03:13:58 UTC


You dont think they got old Bin with that first drone and just
mithodicly kept him alive so the war could continue?

They dont have to launch an anti satellite missile they now have
microwave technology that will disable any sat.

However if the sats started disapearing how could we watch TV. This
is a good read on oricles.

2009-07-20 22:53:06 UTC
Post by SAC 441
"Top notch" is a relative viewpoint as far as Al-Jazeera is concerned.To
me and some others,it is merely a slanted,biased Arabic propaganda
channel devoted to attacking and smearing Western
ideals and civilization.My hopeful expectation is that one day the
Israeli military would launch an anti-satellite missile and blow to bits
the satellite from which it is transmitted from.To each his/her own.I
know that is unrealistic,but not everyone is
enamored with this pile of "garbage" being spewed
from Pan-Arabia that attempts to promote Osama
bin Laden's every word as though he was the demagogic arrival of a super
oracle.To hell with them and their idiotic ramblings.
At the recent proceedings before the CRTC there was overwhelming
support for allowing AJE to be broadcast in Canada. It was obvious to
the powerful jew lobbies that they were not going to be able to stop
it so they have declared they won't oppose it. (The jews say AJE must
not question the Holohoax.)

It is therefore a near certainty that AJE will be available to
Canadians this fall. The question is for how much a month. In
Burlington, VT where the local cable network carry AJE the jews were
unable to get it banned a year ago. However, subscribers are charged
$18 per month for it - even though Aljazeera give it to the Burlington
Telecom for free.
2009-07-11 04:57:15 UTC
Post by Kixi
this top notch global news provider.
LOL. Let me guess. You find Fox News to be the best news reporting
agency in the west? What a fucking joke you are.
2009-07-11 15:11:58 UTC
Post by Kixi
this top notch global news provider.
LOL.  Let me guess.  You find Fox News to be the best news reporting
agency in the west?  What a fucking joke you are.
I have never watched Fox News - unless I hppened to be visiting when
my host had it on. I don't pay for TV. AJE covers global events better
than BBC World. I'm permanently tuned in to a Galaxy 25 at 97W.
(Hardly any ads. Barely time to go to the fridge between programs.
Well worth $200 or so for the installation.) I watch CBC on special
occasions such as a Canadian General Election.

I am however apauled at the ability of the jews to decide what TV we
in N. America are allowed to watch. The Soviets did this too - but
eventually their reign was brought to an end.
2009-07-11 23:27:24 UTC
Post by Kixi
Post by Kixi
this top notch global news provider.
LOL.  Let me guess.  You find Fox News to be the best news reporting
agency in the west?  What a fucking joke you are.
I have never watched Fox News - unless I hppened to be visiting when
my host had it on. I don't pay for TV. AJE covers global events better
than BBC World. I'm permanently tuned in to a Galaxy 25 at 97W.
(Hardly any ads. Barely time to go to the fridge between programs.
Well worth $200 or so for the installation.) I watch CBC on special
occasions such as a Canadian General Election.
So that would be every few years then. It's not like us Canadians
hold a general election every couple of months, even if Harper's
called a haste federal election a while back which made him look like
an idiot that he is.

BUT, answer me this; how does you watching CBC once every blue moon
and BBC World validate your claim that aljizzera network to be a "top
notch global news provider"?
Post by Kixi
I am however apauled
Post by Kixi
at the ability of the jews to decide what TV we in N. America are allowed to watch.
You keep saying that. Care to provide some facts, figures,
statistics, citations or at least something credible?
Post by Kixi
The Soviets did this too - but eventually their reign was brought to an end.
You are jumping from shit to shit, reaching for this and that, instead
of saying anything of merit.

The soviets did this, the canadians do that, then there's the
british...WTF???? And again, that makes aljizzzzzzzera to be a "top
notch global news provider" how????

I actually got to watch some of aljizz while I lived in Kuala Lampur
doing a contract job for a securities company for close to a year
about a couple of years ago. While it wasn't as blatantly biased or
as blindly subjective as Fox News is when it comes to criticizing the
Democrats and praising the Republicans and the rightwing nutcases,
aljizz is as close as you can get to a publicity relations dream for
the fundamental and extremist Muslims.

You got to be fucking kidding me with this "top notch global news
provider" shit. Did you actually type that out with a straight face?
2009-07-13 03:57:13 UTC
Post by Kixi
this top notch global news provider.
LOL.  Let me guess.  You find Fox News to be the best news reporting
agency in the west?  What a fucking joke you are.
Loopy says you misspeled it easy max its Faux News they now have Jason
2009-07-13 06:16:13 UTC
On Sun, 12 Jul 2009 20:57:13 -0700 (PDT), joeturn
Post by joeturn
Post by Kixi
this top notch global news provider.
LOL.  Let me guess.  You find Fox News to be the best news reporting
agency in the west?  What a fucking joke you are.
Loopy says you misspeled it easy max its Faux News they now have Jason
Heh, good one. Never heard of that one before, "Faux News". Of
course, those who watch the channel will pronounce the "x".
2009-07-19 14:38:50 UTC
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Post by Kixi
Does anyone know if Aljazeera English TV is included for subscription
by any satellite signal provider in North America yet?
I know it is available free-to-air on C and Ku bands - I am tuned in.
The jew lobbies have so far had great success in denying the masses
easy access to this top notch global news provider.
Van Chocstraw
2009-08-16 01:58:13 UTC
Post by Kixi
Does anyone know if Aljazeera English TV is included for subscription
by any satellite signal provider in North America yet?
I know it is available free-to-air on C and Ku bands - I am tuned in.
The jew lobbies have so far had great success in denying the masses
easy access to this top notch global news provider.
I can only get it on Internet TV programs like ReadOn or directly from
Aljazeera web site direct feed.
2009-09-01 10:32:20 UTC
I guess everyone has figured out why some religons are not allowed
here in North America!

Its appearent that he FreeMasons(SUN WORSHIPPERS) dont have full
control of editing the Aljazeera programing.

However rest assured as soon as they can tackle that obsticle and be
able to steer the herd in their directed agenda to win Armagetton for
the gipper ,the airwaves will again be FREE. They stopped Tesla dead
in his tracks when they saw his works was going to provide not only
FREE ENERGY but World wide commuications un-editable, this would have
allowed all nations to compare notes and seen that THE SON GOD was out
of date<I;-)
2009-10-05 16:03:34 UTC
Post by joeturn
I guess everyone has figured out why some religons are not allowed
here in North America!
 Its appearent that he FreeMasons(SUN WORSHIPPERS) dont have full
control of editing the Aljazeera programing.
However rest assured as soon as they can tackle that obsticle and be
able to steer the herd in their directed agenda to win Armagetton for
the gipper ,the airwaves will again be FREE. They stopped Tesla dead
in his tracks when they saw his works was going to provide not only
FREE ENERGY but World wide commuications un-editable, this would have
allowed all nations to compare notes and seen that THE SON GOD was out
of date<I;-)
Monday 5 October, 2009
Still no news on the CRTC licensing AJE for broadcast in Canada. Are
the jews delaying it on a month-to-month basis?

AJE continues to be the only world news channel I regularly watch but
this last week I spent 2 hours watching CCTV - the Chinese global
channel - just to see another of their spectacular achievments in
their display of 60 years of "socialism with Chinese characteristics"

In talking to friends who only get jew-controlled TV, they remember
seeing only the military part of the parade. What I saw and
appreciated most were the civilian formation marching past the
reviewing stand. Too bad the masses in N. America can't readily watch
the world's best! As well the Chinese put on a fireworks display - no
doubt spectacular and probably have evenings of top notch performances
for this "golden week's" celebrations. We are the poorer for not
having access to all this.

Back to jew control .... you hear about nice little Israel every day
and about the wicked Palestinians, Arabs and Moslems and Nazis, but
did you ever hear any discussion of the core cause of the conflict in
the Holy Land - Zionism. It is simply a banned topic. It is not banned
on AJE.
